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Assembly AI

(0 customer reviews)

Accurate speech-to-text for voice data (such as calls, virtual meetings, and podcasts), speaker detection, sentiment analysis, chapter detection, PII redaction, and more

Accurate speech-to-text for voice data (such as calls, virtual meetings, and podcasts), speaker detection, sentiment analysis, chapter detection, PII redaction, and more


Assembly AI: An Overview

Assembly AI is a leading provider of advanced AI models and APIs that developers can integrate into their applications to add powerful speech, language, and content understanding capabilities. Their speech-to-text API can transcribe audio and video files with high accuracy and support for over 99 languages.


Assembly AI Features

♦  Speech-to-text
♦  Speaker detection
♦  Sentiment analysis
♦  Chapter detection
♦  PII redaction


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✔ Access to Speech-to-Text & Audio Intelligence models
➕ Speech recognition
➕ Speaker diarization
➕ Custom spelling and vocabulary
➕ Profanity filtering
➕ Auto punctuation and casing
✔ Transcribe up to 100 hours of audio
✔ Developer docs and community support

⚡ Unlimited access to Speech-to-Text
⚡ Unlimited access to Audio Intelligence
⚡ Unlimited access to LeMUR
⚡ Streaming Speech-to-Text
⚡ Concurrency starting at 200 files and 100 streams

💲 $0.12/hr for Speech-to-Text