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Source qualified leads from any corner of the web - Let our Phantoms generate masses of leads right from where you find them, then export them into a simple spreadsheet. Gather your ideal targets 24/7 to drive your revenue and growth goals on autopilot

Source qualified leads from any corner of the web - Let our Phantoms generate masses of leads right from where you find them, then export them into a simple spreadsheet. Gather your ideal targets 24/7 to drive your revenue and growth goals on autopilot


PhantomBuster: An Overview

PhantomBuster is a web automation platform that allows users to generate leads and automate various online tasks across major social networks and websites. It offers over 130 pre-built automation tools, called “Phantoms”, that can be used to scrape data, send messages, and perform other actions without the need for coding.


PhantomBuster Features

♦  Extract lists of leads
♦  Enrich with data & emails
♦  Send outreach campaigns
♦  Automate responsibly


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✅ 20h execution time /month
✅ 10k AI credits /month
✅ 10 slots for Phantoms
✅ Unlimited export
✅ Community access
✅ Priority support

✅ 80h execution time /month
✅ 30k AI credits /month
✅ 15 slots for Phantoms
✅ Unlimited export
✅ Community access
✅ Priority support
✅ Account consultant

⚡ 300h execution time /month
⚡ 90k AI credits /month
⚡ 50 slots for Phantoms
⚡ Unlimited export
⚡ Community access
⚡ Priority support
⚡ Account consultant