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Generate references, retrieve literature reviews with correct citations through AI and get research paper insights

Generate references, retrieve literature reviews with correct citations through AI and get research paper insights


ResearchPal: An Overview

ResearchPal is an AI tool designed to assist researchers in conducting literature reviews, generating references, rewriting content, and optimizing their search for relevant papers. It automates the process of generating academic literature reviews based on a research question, fetches research papers from sources like Springer and Arxiv, synthesizes research findings, generates a concise literature review, and extracts citations to create a reference list.


ResearchPal Features

♦  Literature Review
♦  Reference Generator
♦  Rewrite in Any Tone
♦  In-Text Citations
♦  Paper Insights
♦  Search


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✔ Create 1 projects
✔ Upload 3 research papers
✔ Extract 2 paper insights
✔ Generate 2 web & library literature reviews
✔ Add 2 manual references
✔ Get 2 answers from web queries
✔ Use tones & translate feature 2 times
✔ Use cite feature 2 times
✔ Use Other commands 2 times
✔ Chat with library files 2 queries

✅ Create unlimited projects
✅ Upload 150 research papers
✅ Extract 50 paper insights
✅ Generate 50 web & library literature reviews
✅ Add 50 manual references
✅ Get 50 answers from web queries
✅ Use tones & translate feature 50 times
✅ Use cite feature 50 times
✅ Use Other commands 100 times
✅ Chat with library files 100 queries