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Summarize any paper, article, textbook, or video! Convert long complex texts into interactive summary flashcards

Summarize any paper, article, textbook, or video! Convert long complex texts into interactive summary flashcards

Summarization and Reference Linking Tool For Researchers! Identify the most relevant papers faster, and easily

Summarization and Reference Linking Tool For Researchers! Identify the most relevant papers faster, and easily


Scholarcy: An Overview

Scholarcy is an AI-powered platform that helps users to extract structured data and knowledge summaries from scholarly content. Researchers can use Scholarcy to identify and verify key findings and sources from research papers, while publishers and aggregators able to utilize the Scholarcy API to create rich XML metadata from documents in any format. University communications teams also benefit from Scholarcy by generating lay summaries from complex articles to promote their research output. The platform aims to increase the visibility and understanding of scientific research by distilling it into clear and concise summaries, making research more accessible to the global research community and the wider population.


Scholarcy Features

♦  Suggests background reading
♦  Highlights important points
♦  Referenced summary
♦  Extracts tables and figures


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✔ Range of file formats
✔ 3 summaries /day
✔ Export flashcards

Everything in Free, plus:
✅ Unlimited summarization
✅ Generate enhanced summaries
✅ Save your flashcards
✅ Take notes, highlight and edit text
✅ Organise flashcards into collections
✅ Export up to 100 flashcards
✅ Literature Matrix creation
✅ One-click bibliographies